Our philosophy is straightforward. Change comes from ordinary people wanting something better and realising they can do something to help. Human rights defenders can be anyone. A lawyer fighting a miscarriage of justice. A villager sharing information about the law with her neighbours. A blind student speaking out for the right to go to university. A scholar calling for reforms.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Chinese proverb

Working for change

In China and other authoritarian countries, human rights progress can seem a distant dream. But we have seen how sharing experience can open up new ways of looking at the world and inspire ordinary people to take action.

We support those working for change. We listen and learn about the challenges they face. We help provide access to the resources they need to be more effective.  

Our support is tailored to the needs of our partners and the people with whom we work.

Read about our work and contact us if you would like to learn more about how you can help.